On May 24th Google held their annual performance summit to announce the latest and greatest releases coming to AdWords and the Anlaytics 360 suite in the new mobile-first world.

Google has been talking about a mobile-first world for quite some time now. This was emphasized throughout their announcement and intertwined mobile usage into the ever-evolving landscape of how advertisers interact with consumers. Consumers can be reached whenever and wherever and understanding how to reach them at the right moment and time is crucial. So, what is Google doing to help advertiser’s adapt to this?  Let’s take a look!

1. Extended Text Ads

Text ads are a ways for advertisers to get their brand in front of consumers who are looking for answers.

The new extended text ads will allow for a 30 character headline followed by an 80 character description line. This is 50% more ad text than the previous text ad format! Sridhar Ramaswamy (Senior Vice President, Ads & Commerce) stated that some brands witnessed a 20% increase in click-through-rate after implementing these extended headlines.

How can you take advantage of this?

As an advertiser, you must begin to think more about the intent of particular searches.  With the extended character limit you can now include additional copy that matches the intent of the searcher making your ad that much more relevant.

2. Responsive Ads + Native Ad Inventory  

Google will soon allow advertisers to upload a headline, one description line, an image and a URL to have Google build your ad creative for you. These new ad formats will be tailored to fit any webpage, on both desktop and mobile.

Along with this new format Google announced the release of Native Ad inventory across the Google Display Network.

How can you take advantage of this?

Specifically for advertisers looking to broaden the reach of their content native advertising on the Google Display Network, this will allow for in-text native ads reaching an already engaged audience.

3. Local Search Ads

Google is allowing for a more relevant brand experience for users who search with local intent (i.e. grocery store near me) with the launch of “promoted pin” within Google Maps. This new ad format will allow advertisers to stand out on Google Maps when searchers show intent.

How can you take advantage of this?

This will be particularly important for local search advertisers. Being present when that in-the-moment search happens is critical and this new ad format will help achieve that.

4. Specific Bids by Device Types: desktop, mobile and you guessed it, tablet!

The ability to place exact bids for device types will become available. The defined +/- percentage will still exist, but will now also include tablet and bid adjustments of up to +900%.

How can you take advantage of this?

Users are more frequently turning to their mobile devices for answers and winning these micro-moments are key! Device bid adjustments will allow you to optimize and compete accordingly on each device separately.

5. Advanced Targeting for Search

The release of Similar Audience is coming to search. This new release will mimic the same targeting as the similar audiences on the display network, but these audiences can now be targeted or layered on top of search campaign for more precise targeting.

Google also announced they are testing Demographic for Search which will let advertisers set bids on search network, specifically for age and gender.

How can we take advantage of this?

Prior to this, more advanced targeting on search only extended to remarketing list for search ads (RLSAs). The launch of the new Similar Audience for search will allow you to narrow-in on broader terms and target only those who show the most interest.

6. Improve UI Design

The new design will be more user friendly and allow for easier optimization on any device. This new design is believed to be launched in late 2017.

As we continue into 2016/2017 look out for these features and more information on them from Google.

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